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Because Gratitude Conquers Fear.

In a time wrought with fear and anxiety, a simple question emerged... what would happen if not just gratitude, but expressing it to those who deserve it in our lives, became a deliberate, wide-spread effort?

The goal of the Thanks A Billion project is simple... to combat our fears by saying "Thank You" to one another ONE BILLION TIMES in 30 days. It's a huge, audacious and completely attainable goal, as long as people like you commit to taking 60 seconds a day to reach out and thank the people in your world and then ask them to do the same.

To start an exponential wave of gratitude, the Thanks A Billion Project will share 30 daily videos on topics like "Using Gratitude to Eliminate Anxiety," "The Recipe for an Awesome Thank You” and even ideas on who to thank to get started. All you've got to do is subscribe or join us on social media for the daily updates and then turn around and share some gratitude.

That's it. That's the Thanks A Billion Project. THANK YOU for being part of it. Now let's go do this!

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